Configure your MIDIMplant 3.x online

  1. select required parameters from the table below
  2. uncheck the include box if you want specific parameter unchanged
  3. click the button at the bottom
  4. download Standard MIDI File from the link that will apear afterwadrs
  5. play the MIDI file to your MIDImplant

if your MIDImplant is version 3.5 or earlier, use this configurator

You can play the file with any sequencer, or default player application in your computer.
Set all parameters at once, or modify just one of them - choose proper checkboxes to define which parameters must be included in your config file.
All unchecked parameters will stay unaltered, but setting notes on CV1 will automaticaly turn CV2 into velocity output coupled with CV1.
please note: all parameters shown here are available in versioin 3.8. Earlier versions will ignore the new options
include in config file
event type

MIDI channel

starting note or CC number

enter CC or note number
in range 0-127
include in config file
event type

MIDI channel

starting note or CC number

enter CC or note number
in range 0-127
include in config file
Note to voltage ratio
1V/oct +/- 0.5 cent
V/oct, +/- 2mV
Hz/V 2.5 to 5V, 1 octave
Hz/V 1.25 to 5V, 2 octaves
Hz/V 0.63 to 5V, 3 octaves
Hz/V 0.31 to 5V, 4 octaves
Hz/V 0.16 to 5V, 5 octaves
include in config file
Note to voltage ratio
1V/oct +/- 0.5 cent
V/oct, +/- 2mV
Hz/V 2.5 to 5V, 1 octave
Hz/V 1.25 to 5V, 2 octaves
Hz/V 0.63 to 5V, 3 octaves
Hz/V 0.31 to 5V, 4 octaves
Hz/V 0.16 to 5V, 5 octaves
include in config file
Gate polarity
on: 6-15V, off: 0V
on: 0V, off: 6-15V
include in config file
Gate polarity
on: 6-15V, off: 0V
on: 0V, off: 6-15V
velocity CV can appear only at CV2 include in config file
Note-Off velocity ignore
velocity CV updated at note-off
note-off velocity ignored
include in config file
Pitch Bender added to CV1
PitchBender combined with Note CV
Note CV unaffected by PitchBend
include in config file
Pitch Bender added to CV2
PitchBender combined with Note CV
Note CV unaffected by PitchBend
include in config file
Reversed pitch voltage
CV increases with note rise
CV drops with note rise
include in config file
Reversed pitch voltage
CV increases with note rise
CV drops with note rise
include in config file
Gate 1 retrigger
Gate is on as long as any note is on
Gate goes off for 0.5ms at each CV change
Gate goes off for 0.5ms only for new notes
include in config file
Gate 2 retrigger
Gate is on as long as any note is on
Gate goes off for 0.5ms at each CV change
Gate goes off for 0.5ms only for new notes
include in config file
CV 1 offset
include in config file
CV 2 offset